1st Sept 2019 – healthy food day.

Feeling pleased today. There hasn’t been any exercise, but the food has been healthy.

For breakfast we had 2 slices of seedy toast with olive spread, with mushrooms and a couple of eggs cooked with 1cal, along with a glass of orange juice.4


For lunch my daughter and I shared a salad.


Then for dinner we had pork (fat removed – though I did have a very small piece of crackling), healthy potatoes and butternut squash, aubergine and onion, also oven cooked with some olive oil and dried herbs. AND I listened to my body and stopped well before feeling stuffed!

We have loads of meat left, so we’ll heat through with rice tomorrow, deferring our salmon to Tuesday.

Dinner – Paul’s hand was not on the menu! 😂

I had a good afternoon preparing all our salads, boiling up the eggs and weighing out the nuts for the week, then preparing dinner before relaxing with my daughter.

Dinner prepped
Lunches prepped

So all we’ll have to do each morning is pack our tubs along with our fruit.

I’ve had water today – WOOHOO! I’ve bought several bottles instead of Pepsi max.

I’ve also bought actual greek yoghurt rather than greek style yoghurt, as well as honey and mixed seeds, so hopefully this week I’ll be able to concentrate on upping my dairy as well as my water consumption.

All in all a good day, here’s to being determined and in control 🤗

Published by jmarie1974

Hi, I'm Jo! 44 years old,and on a quest to become my ideal weight! Like many people, I've been lost in the world of dieting, and will be documenting my journey to becoming a healthier me!

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